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Woman crushing flowers using a mortar and pestle

your health



White capsules spilling from prescription bottle

Are you worried that you take too many medications?

1 in 6 hospital visits is from medication related harm. Let's talk about the medications you are taking, and  see if they are helping, hurting, or putting you at risk.

Are you looking for ways to maximize your health with minimal medication?

Let's take look at how you feel and what you do every day to find the  clues and cover-ups that we need to address the

 root cause of your symptoms. 

Woman meditating in her living room
Dr. Veronica Riera-Gilley

Meet Dr. Riera-Gilley

Welcome! I'm glad you are here.

Many people who meet me outside of the healthcare setting are surprised to learn that I am a pharmacist because I am so passionate about

food as medicine, yoga, and other ways to prevent the need for medication.

Here you will find a wealth of information to help you

maximize your health with minimal medication.

My Specializations

I am more than a pill counting pharmacist.

I am a holistic pharmacist and patient advocate.

I help people listen to the wisdom of their bodies and

explore therapies outside the pillbox.


Medication Management

Adaptive Yoga

Stress & Tension

Food as Medicine


I consult with patients to help them better understand their role in their health and wellness. I  help them to discover they have more control than they think.

There is powerful medicine sitting right between your ears!

What Patients Say

“I didn't think I was going to like healthy eating, but you taught me how to make delicious and healthy versions of my favorite foods.”

DM- Group Health Coaching Participant

embers of a burning fire with a sunrise in the back ground

Our symptoms, aches,

and pains are our own

little fires and they are

telling us something.

When we put them

out with too many

meds, something more dangerous can take root.

business logo contains a wild flower in a mortar and pestle


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